NameMajor/MinorEquiti's AbbreviationTypeTypical Spread (as a decimal)MarginContract size (1 lot)PL of 1 lotMin/Max trade sizeCommission USD per lotTrading Hours GMT
Australia 200MajorAUS200 RollRolling20.50%1 index point1 AUD per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREESun 23:50-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-06:30, 07:10-20:59, 23:50-24:00 Fri 00:00-06:30, 07:10-20:57
China A50MinorCHINA50RollRolling-5%10 index point10 USD per 1.0 move0.1/300Commission FREEMon-Thu 01:00-08:30, 09:00-20:45
Fri 01:00-08:30, 09:00-20:42
China H-SharesMinorChsharesRolling-3%1 index point1 HKD per 1.0 move0.2 / 300Commission FREEMon-Thu 01:15-04:00,05:00-08:30,09:15-17:00
Fri 01:15-04:00,05:00-08:30,09:15-16:57
EU Stocks 50MajorEU50 RollRolling0.90.50%1 index point1 EUR per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREEMon - Thu 00:15 - 19:59
Fri 00:15 - 19:57
France 40MajorFR40 RollRolling1.20.50%1 index point1 EUR per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREEMon-Thu 06:00-19:59
Fri 06:00-19:57
Germany 40MajorDE40 RollRolling10.50%1 index point1 EUR per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREESun 22:00-24:00,
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00,
Fri 00:00-20:12
Hong Kong 50MinorHK50 RollRolling135%1 index point1 HKD per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREEMon-Thu 01:15-04:00,05:00-08:30,09:15-19:00
Fri 01:15-04:00,05:00-08:30,09:15-18:57
Japan 225MajorJP225 RollRolling110.50%1 index point1 JPY per 1.0 move1 / 300Commission FREESun 22:00-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00
Fri 00:00-20:57
Russell 2000MinorRUSS2000Rolling-1%1 index point1 USD per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREESun 22:50-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-05:30, 06:10-19:59, 22:50-24:00 Fri 00:00-05:30, 06:10-19:57
Spain 35MinorESP35 RollRolling232%1 index point1 EUR per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREEMon-Thu 06:00-17:59
Fri – 06:00-17:57
UK 100MajorUK100 RollRolling0.70.50%1 index point1 GBP per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREESun 22:00-24:00,
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00,
Fri 00:00-20:12
US SPX 500MajorUS500 RollRolling0.50.50%1 index point1 USD per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREESun 22:00-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00
Fri 00:00-20:57
US Tech 100MajorUT100 RollRolling10.50%1 index point1 USD per 1.0 move0.1 / 200Commission FREESun 22:00-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00
Fri 00:00-20:57
US Wall Street 30MajorUS30 RollRolling1.70.50%1 index point1 USD per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREESun 22:00-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00
Fri 00:00-20:57
Volatility IndexMinorVIXRollRolling-15%1 index point1 USD per 1.0 move0.1 / 300Commission FREESun 22:00-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:15, 20:30-20:59, 22:00-24:00 Fri 00:00-20:15, 20:30-20:57

Where "xx" refers to the expiry month and year.

First letter is the expiry month:

F Jan, G Feb, H Mar, J Apr, K May, M Jun, N Jul, Q Aug, U Sep, V Oct, X Nov, Z Dec

Second letter is the year: e.g. Dec-2022 is "Z2"

Please refer to our Futures Expiry Dates page for details on the expiring contracts

Liquidity and spreads can change due to market conditions. The information in this table is correct at the time of publication, we reserve the right to change its contents at any time. For up to date information please refer to the trading platform or call the support desk.

*Typical prices are during London and New York sessions.

NameMajor/MinorEquiti's AbbreviationTypeTypical Spread (as a decimal)Fixed MarginContract size (1 lot)PL of 1 lotMin/Max trade sizeCommission USD per lotTrading Hours GMT
Australia 200 IndexMinorAU200xxFuture30.50%25 index point25 AUD per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Sun 23:50-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-06:30, 07:10-20:59, 23:50-24:00 Fri 00:00-06:30, 07:10-20:57
China A50 IndexMinorCHINA50xxFuture7.55%1 index point1 USD per 1.0 move1 / 2510Mon-Thu 01:00-08:30, 09:00-20:45
Fri 01:00-08:30, 09:00-20:42
France 40 IndexMajorFRA40xxFuture1.70.50%10 index points10 EUR per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Mon-Thu 06:00-19:59
Fri 06:00-19:57
Germany 40MajorDE40xxFuture1.50.5%25 index point25 EUR per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Sun 22:00-24:00,
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00,
Fri 00:00-20:12
Hong Kong 50 Future IndexMinorHK50xxFuture-5%50 Index Point50 HKD per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Mon-Thu 01:15-04:00,05:00-08:30,09:15-19:00
Fri 01:15-04:00,05:00-08:30,09:15-18:57
Singapore 30 IndexMinorSing30xxFuture0.65%10 index point10 SGD per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Mon-Thu 00:30-09:10, 09:40-20:45
Fri 00:30-09:10, 09:40-20:42
Spain 35 IndexMinorESP35xxFuture72%10 index points10 EUR per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Mon-Thu 06:00-17:59
Fri – 06:00-17:57
UK 100 IndexMajorUK100xxFuture1.50.50%10 index points10 GBP per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Sun 22:00-24:00,
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00,
Fri 00:00-20:12
US Dollar IndexMajorUSDIndexxxFuture0.0451%1000 index points1000 USD per 1 move0.01 / 2510Sun 22:00-00:00,
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59,
Fri 00:00-20:57
US SPX 500MajorUS500xxFuture0.50.50%50 index point50 USD per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Sun 22:00-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00
Fri 00:00-20:57
US Tech 100MajorUT100xxFuture20.5%20 index point20 USD per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Sun 22:00-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00
Fri 00:00-20:57
US Wall Street 30MajorUS30xxFuture30.50%5 index point5 USD per 1.0 move0.01 / 2510Sun 22:00-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:59, 22:00-24:00
Fri 00:00-20:57
Volatility IndexMinorVIXxxFuture0.115%1000 index points10 USD per 0.01 move0.01 / 5010Sun 22:00-24:00
Mon-Thu 00:00-20:15, 20:30-20:59, 22:00-24:00 Fri 00:00-20:15, 20:30-20:57

Where "xx" refers to the expiry month and year.

First letter is the expiry month:

F Jan, G Feb, H Mar, J Apr, K May, M Jun, N Jul, Q Aug, U Sep, V Oct, X Nov, Z Dec

Second letter is the year: e.g. Dec-2022 is "Z2"

Please refer to our Futures Expiry Dates page for details on the expiring contracts

Liquidity and spreads can change due to market conditions. The information in this table is correct at the time of publication, we reserve the right to change its contents at any time. For up to date information please refer to the trading platform or call the support desk.

*Typical prices are during London and New York sessions.

Here are this week’s upcoming estimated dividends:

Equiti Name13/05/202414/05/202415/05/202416/05/202417/05/2024





How are dividends dealt with for indices?

Dividends are cash issued payments based on a company’s earnings, for indices a dividend would be produced if a company within the index issued a dividend. The volume and timing are decided by the board of directors. Dividends can also be issued as shares if the underlying share is owned.

Depending if you were long or short it will impact your position different. The change in price for a long position would be disadvantageous due to the fall in price therefore an account credit would be applied. However, the inverse position would mean an account debit to cater for the benefit of the price drop. Therefore, you wouldn’t lose or gain from the dividend.

Let's say you hold a long position of 4,000 Lots of UK100ROLL and there is a dividend of 12p. This would mean £480 would be credited to your account.

12p x 4,000 = £480

Note: If you held a short position going into the ex-dividend date then your account would be debited £480.


Any adjustments made to a long position due to a dividend will be less applicable withholding taxes – a tax deducted from dividends in the underlying market. This levy is based on the underlying; usually around 15%.

* We reserve the right to change any of the information contained herein at any time, in case of error. Equiti shall not be responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, arising from any action of any kind taken and that is based on the information contained herein.

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