Know our financing fees

Trade smarter by understanding how we calculate financing charges based on asset class, holiday & trading hours.


What are swaps & rollovers?

What are swaps & rollovers charges?

Trading markets take holidays too, be prepared for upcoming dates that may impact your open positions by causing extended rollover periods.

As we do not offer the physical delivery of assets, we adjust the price on some products for rolling the settlement day and allowing you to keep the position open. We recommend you always check the rollover fees (or “swaps”) per product to protect your trading strategy.

Please be aware that:

  • When you trade forex of CFDs on a "spot" basis on MT4 or MT5, most trades settle two business days (T+2 pairs) from inception - however some pairs (like USDCAD, USDRUB & USDTRY) are settled on a one business day basis (or ‘T+1’). 
  • Different asset classes settle on different days, our financing costs are calculated on a per position basis and that they may be charged to your account.
  • Formula for forex & oil CFDs: Lots x Contract Size x Long/Short Swap x Point Size
  • Formula for share & index CFDs: (Long/Short Swap)/360/100 x Closing Price x Lots

To learn more, check our FAQs page or see our holiday trading hours.

Download this quarter’s list of rollovers by product.

Financing Fees Jordan

Swap rates by product

Symbol Long Short
AUDCAD -2.011 -2.868
AUDCHF 3.468 -7.483
AUDCNH -104.492 -144.492
AUDDKK -22.128 -22.128
AUDHKD -130.970 -99.870
AUDJPY 4.019 -14.313
AUDNZD -6.092 0.369
AUDSGD -18.385 -22.055
AUDUSD -3.316 0.124
CADCHF 2.661 -8.620
CADJPY 8.838 -14.635
CADSGD -5.837 -9.047
CHFJPY -2.222 -7.267
CHFNOK -59.523 -59.523
CHFPLN -21.996 -21.996
CHFSGD -22.520 -0.687
CNHJPY -18.473 -18.493
EURAUD -6.430 0.769
EURCAD -5.076 0.173
EURCHF 3.389 -9.500
EURCZK -22.219 -22.219
EURDKK -65.371 -65.371
EURGBP -5.508 1.351
EURHKD -141.623 -52.523
EURHUF -35.170 -35.170
EURILS -11.369 -11.369
EURJPY 3.815 -19.114
EURMXN -613.058 246.539
EURNOK -89.418 -24.039
EURNZD -22.222 -8.202
EURPLN -66.439 -9.939
EURRUB -9.238 -9.238
EURSEK -57.448 -69.237
EURSGD -23.612 -23.352
EURTRY -5823.993 2496.807
EURUSD -7.786 3.543
EURZAR -34.628 11.764
GBPAUD -1.377 -6.761
GBPCAD 1.117 -7.178
GBPCHF 10.496 -14.913
GBPCNH -71.291 -199.491
GBPDKK -78.083 -78.083
GBPHKD -127.715 -103.915
GBPJPY 14.126 -32.047
GBPNOK -55.550 -91.925
GBPNZD -9.569 -9.307
GBPPLN -45.207 -45.207
GBPSEK -57.598 -183.261
GBPSGD -18.596 -32.196
GBPTRY -394.033 -394.033
GBPUSD -3.482 -0.864
GBPZAR -34.948 1.762
HKDCNH -94.740 -94.740
HKDJPY -10.850 -16.350
MXNJPY -8.349 -12.867
NOKJPY 0.209 -3.091
NOKSEK -1.543 -8.022
NOKSGD -17.438 -17.438
NZDCAD -0.777 -4.772
NZDCHF 4.253 -7.709
NZDCNH -89.341 -149.341
NZDJPY 8.523 -14.308
NZDSGD -15.358 -21.958
NZDUSD -1.229 -1.667
PLNJPY -3.303 -3.303
SEKJPY -0.082 -2.483
SGDJPY -0.313 -21.033
TRYJPY 2.054 -8.336
USDAED -5.082 -5.082
USDCAD 0.673 -4.840
USDCHF 5.755 -11.748
USDCNH 34.041 -68.950
USDCZK -20.242 -20.242
USDDKK -59.556 -59.556
USDHKD -98.675 -78.175
USDHUF -32.042 -32.042
USDILS -51.793 -51.793
USDJPY 8.264 -22.890
USDMXN -484.342 145.658
USDNOK -39.704 -63.826
USDPLN -53.812 -33.062
USDRUB -211.365 -211.365
USDSAR -32.930 -32.930
USDSEK -45.545 -137.854
USDSGD -13.265 -23.265
USDTHB -293.173 -293.173
USDTRY -5381.023 1939.277
USDZAR -213.622 72.978
XAGEUR -4.624 1.426
XAGUSD -5.954 3.285
XAUEUR -40.805 6.135
XAUTRY -15326.650 6517.650
XAUUSD -37.911 14.017
XPDEUR -2.475 -9.767
XPDUSD -6.709 -6.709
XPTEUR -15.479 1.600
XPTUSD -20.855 5.645
Latest update was at 07/10/2024

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Learn how to calculate overnight fees

If you trade forex of CFDs on a "spot" basis on MT4 or MT5, most trades settle two business days (T+2 pairs) from inception - however some pairs (like USDCAD, USDRUB & USDTRY) are settled on a one business day basis (or ‘T+1’). All positions left open at 23:59 (server time) will be rolled over to a new value date – and as such are subject to the swap/rollover adjustments we listed above.

How to calculate weekend rollovers costs?

When you roll an open position from Wednesday to Thursday (T+2 pairs) on a trade date basis, Monday of the following week becomes the new value date (or ‘settlement date’), instead of Saturday. This means the swap/rollover adjustment on a Wednesday evening will be three times the value indicated in the table. The same occurs for a T+1 pair on a Thursday. This is to reflect how the value date of an FX position rolls in the underlying market.

If the US30Roll swaps are -8.3 for long positions and 2.3 for short positions and you have traded 1 lot:

Long Charge for 1 day: -8.3 / 360 / 100 * 1 (Volume) * 38,000 (EOD Price) = -8.76 USD

Short Credit for 1 day: 2.3 / 360 / 100 * 1 (Volume) * 38,000 (EOD Price) = 2.42 USD

If your account is in another currency than the P/L currency, then the result needs to be converted to the account currency at the spot exchange rate of the two currencies.

If the EURUSD swaps are -6.83 for long positions and 2.96 for short positions and you have traded 1 lot (100,000 EUR):

Long Charge for 1 day: 1 * 100,000 * -6.93 * 0.00001 (Point Size*) = -6.93 USD

Short Credit for 1 day: 1 * 100,000 * 2.96 * 0.00001 (Point Size*) = 2.96 USD

If the USDJPY swaps are 11.94 for long positions and 26.21 for short positions and you have traded 1 lot (100,000 USD):

Long Credit for 1 day: 1 * 100,000 * 11.94 * 0.001 (Point Size*) = 1,194 JPY

Short Credit for 1 day: 1 * 100,000 * -26.21 * 0.001 (Point Size*) = -2,621 JPY

If your account is in another currency than the P/L currency, then the result needs to be converted to the account currency at the spot exchange rate of the two currencies.

*Point Size is the maximum number of decimals that each FX product is priced to. For example, EURUSD is priced 5dp therefore the point size is 0.00001. USDJPY is priced to 3 decimals therefore the Point Size is 0.001.

If today is Monday & the EURUSD value date is Wednesday; then at 5pm NYT (21:00 GMT) Monday night the EURUSD’s value date will roll from Wednesday to Thursday (1 calendar day). In this example, the swap value is 10 MT4 points per day - which is quoted as ‘10’ in our rollover rates below - so the rate will be calculated is 10 (1 * 10).

If today is Wednesday & the EURUSD value date is Friday; then at 5 pm NY time (9 pm GMT) Wednesday night the EURUSD’s value date will roll from Friday to Monday (3 calendar days) as markets close and positions cannot be altered over the weekend. In this example, the swap value would be 30 MT4/MT5 points (10pts/day) - as even though it’s quoted as 10, the rate on Wednesday nights will be automatically calculated by MT4/MT5 as 30 (3*10).

In the event of a holiday, the value dates roll in line with market convention.

If today is Wednesday, the EURUSD value date is Friday but there’s a holiday on Monday; then at 5 pm NY time (9 pm GMT) Wednesday night the EURUSD’s value date will roll from Friday to Tuesday (it can’t roll to Monday as Monday is a holiday) which is 4 calendar days. So in this example, the swap value is 40 MT4/MT5 points (10pts/day). We quote “13.33” as MT4/MT5 knows that on a Wednesday it will charge 3 times the value we input: 3 * 13.33 = 40.

Financing Fees FAQs

How do I fund my trading account?

You can deposit and withdraw funds securely into your Equiti Account with credit cards, eWallets, bank transfers, and local solutions. Learn more about our funding methods on our Deposits & Withdrawals page.

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